Chapter 1 Course Information

The purpose of this elementary statistics course is to introduce students to the relationship between statistics and the world through use of a wide variety of real applications that bring life to theory and methods.

1.1 Course Description

The course covers sampling methods, classification of data, probability, frequency and probability distributions, confidence intervals, tests of statistical significance, and simple regression and correlation.

1.2 Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Interpret quantitative data using graphs and descriptive statistics with emphasis on histograms and boxplots.
  2. Compute measures of expectation and variation for a discrete probability distribution
  3. Compute probability for a binomial and normal distribution.
  4. Perform calculations to estimate parameters using confidence intervals based on the normal distribution and \(t\)-distribution.
  5. Perform hypotheses testing involving a sample mean, proportion, and standard deviation/variance
  6. Perform hypotheses testing involving two sample means (independent and dependent), two population proportions, and two standard deviations/variances.
  7. Construct linear regression models and correlation coefficients from datasets.